If you have read my other blog you will know that I have bones pressing on my spinal cord, causing mental depression and slowing some of my other faculties as well - or maybe old age is catching up with them. ;-) . So I find it hard to concentrate for very long on anything. Walking is becoming harder and harder for me. I will be having an operation, probably within 3 months and another one a month later which should remove the bones from my spinal cord.
After that I should be able to gradually build up and begin my crafting in more earnest. So I beg your indulgence for a few months that will be spotty to say the least.
1 comment:
Hello there. Just saw your blog title and thought I would investigate as it sounded familiar. It should because I've owned the odd bilum in my life too. I lived in Rabaul for four years in the early 70s, a town rather than bush background in TPNG Nice to know there arte others out there with half way similar backgrounds.Cherrie
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